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Matthew Fox on The Pope’s War | Podcast #31
New Consciousness Review
May 30 2011

Theologian Matthew Fox, a former Catholic priest silenced by Pope Benedict XVI when he was Cardinal Ratzinger, recounts the “war for the soul of the Catholic Church” waged by Benedict and his predecessor, John Paul II, in his new book The Pope's War: Why Ratzinger's Secret Crusade Has Imperiled the Church and How It Can Be Saved (Sterling Ethos, May 2011). It's a searing indictment that portrays a church hierarchy obsessed with rooting out theological dissent and crushing creativity, while covering up the pedophile crisis. It also offers a hopeful vision for the future as Fox believes that the Holy Spirit is at work in “ending the Catholic Church as we know it” and making it possible to “push the restart button on Christianity.”
You can learn more about his work and events at:
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